Women's Ministry Groups
in the Adult Ministry

“…because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well."
~ 1 Thessalonians 2:8
Our women’s ministry groups at Bear Creek desire to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our homes, communities and workplaces. Too many women are overwhelmed trying to be everything to everyone. Our gatherings are designed to help you learn how to be the woman God has called and equips you to be. We do it through Bible study, prayer, mentoring, laughing, and, at times, crying. Here are the ways you can get connected, equipped and involved:

Women's Craft and More Group
A relaxed time of great fellowship, sharing craft ideas, walking through a devotional and prayer time together. If you are looking for community, this group is for you! Our women are committed to joyfully helping each other and our community. Please come join us for a wonderful time of fellowship!

Moms of all ages and stages are welcome. We meet twice a month with in person and online options. It's a place where moms of infants through 12th graders can come for Biblical support & encouragement. Some women fear the fire, others tend their God-given fire and use it to light up their hearts and the world. Let's be those women!