Jan 25 - March 15
At Bear Creek Church
Led by: Darrell Jackson-STCH Ministries
Choose Monday Mornings, 9:00a - 10:30a or Monday Evenings, 6:30p - 8:00p
Room ED107
No Fee but registration is required.
Free childcare will be available.
Bear Creek Church is pleased to partner with STCH Ministries in offering a Faith & Work program at no cost to you. Faith & Work guides people to discover God’s purpose for their lives and how to fulfill that purpose through their work. Participants are provided the opportunity and tools to achieve their full potential as they become more confident in their ability to succeed at work, become leaders, and positively influence their work environments.
Participants will learn to:
Explore their gifts and talents
Write a resume
Use job search techniques
Set goals
Communicate effectively
Relate to others interpersonally
Overcome personal & perceived roadblocks
Think like a boss and apply appropriate workplace etiquette and behavior
And so much more!
For more information, contact melissa.brookins@bcstaff.org