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Deck the Halls: Jesus Is Promised, Micah 5:2, Isaiah 9:6-7, Isaiah 7:14-15

December 3, 2023

K-3rd Grade

Download the weekly K-3rd Grade Parent Guide PDF:

4th-5th Grade

Download the weekly 4th-5th Grade Parent Guide PDF:

Story Focus: In our first week, we start in Micah 5:2, Isaiah 9:6-7, and Isaiah 7:14-15, where we discover how prophets predicted that God would send a Savior. No one could have expected that it would take hundreds of years before Mary, Joseph, or any of the shepherds or wise men came on the scene. The prophets wrote these promises to offer hope to God’s people as they faced exile. Even though it took time, God kept these promises, and because of that, we can still have hope today.

Bottom Line: You can have hope because God is faithful. Much of what we celebrate at Christmas is an incredible reminder that God can be trusted no matter what. We can have hope because, when all seemed hopeless, God made promises to save the world and then followed through with Jesus. No matter what we face in life, we can have hope and trust that God is at work and can help us get through our circumstances.

Key Question: What are you hoping for? Hope is a word that gets tossed around a lot at Christmas, but kids might not get the chance to really talk about it. That’s why we start with a question about hope. We all have expectations about what we need or want out of life. We pray that, through answering this question, kids will find a safe place to discuss the ways they’re trusting God to meet their needs.

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