December 18, 2022
K-3rd Grade
Download the weekly K-3rd Grade Parent Guide PDF:
4th-5th Grade
Download the weekly 4th-5th Grade Parent Guide PDF:
Story Focus: In Luke 2:1-7 we see how God’s greatest gift finally arrived. Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem for the census. The town was bustling with people, leaving no room for them to stay. Thankfully, they found a place where the animals were kept. In the humblest of locations, Jesus, the King of Kings, was born and placed in a manger to sleep. The Savior of the world had been born!
Bottom Line: Jesus is the greatest gift. God’s people had waited for so long for God to send the Savior. When Jesus was born, God’s promises came true. We pray that the kids in your ministry remember what Christmas is all about—that God sent Jesus to make a way for us to be with God forever.
Key Question: What are you excited about giving? As we head into Christmas week, we want kids to focus on the gifts they are able to give, rather than the gifts they might receive. Gifts can be so much more than things bought at a store. We can give our time, attention, creativity, and love. Let’s help our kids get into the spirit of Christmas and think about the greatest gift of all, Jesus.