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What is "Elementary Balance Sports"?

Writer: BearCreek.ChurchBearCreek.Church

Updated: Jun 13, 2024

Throughout the school year Bear Creek Church offer three unique sports leagues and several camps during the summer.

Our fees for the leagues and camps we try and keep them under $100. The fee covers the cost of the jerseys (plus socks for soccer). It also helps us cover the cost of officials and equipment that we need to purchase as well as awards for the end of the year.

Registration for soccer will begin in January. Starting the last two Sundays and last Saturday in February we have our tryouts for our Soccer league. They will begin practices in March and complete the championship game usually the second or third Saturday in May. All practices take place during the week and we have them by age group. Kindergarten and 1st will practice on Monday nights beginning at 6:00pm and completing around 7:30pm. 2nd and 3rd grade will practice on Tuesday nights from 6:00pm-7:30pm and finally 4th and 5th grade will practice on Thursday nights from 6:00pm-7:30pm. Our goal in this is to have all kids in same age group practice on the same night so they are able to build in scrimmages with the other teams at times and basically run practice drills somewhat similar. One other advantage is if we have rain out games on Saturdays we are able to make them up on a practice night since all teams are there anyway.

Registration for our summer camps usually begins as early as Easter weekend. The month of June is filled with Vacation Bible School which is FREE. There is a sports camp offered in the afternoon for those who would like to participate in it and the fee is up to the organization that is hosting it. We also offer Volleyball and soccer camps in June. Our camps are Monday-Thursday. Volleyball is offered for elementary in the morning 8:30-11:30am and middle and high school in the afternoon 12:00-3:00pm. Soccer is offered from 8:30-11:30 for elementary and middle school age students.

The month of July has a couple of camps. Basketball is offered for elementary in the morning 8:30-11:30am and middle and high school in the afternoon 12:00-3:00pm. Then we have a unique opportunity for Elementary-high school students that we call Adventure Week. This camp offers tract style choices with something different every day. For example we will offer tennis, golf, tae quan do, cornhole, vocal training, instrument training, illusion, art, cosmetology, culinary, dance, photography/videography and we will be adding other trade skill options this year such as electrician, HVAC, plumbing, landscaping, mechanic, handyman skills.

We begin registration for our basketball league in June. The last two Sunday’s and last Saturday in August are our tryout days. We will begin practices in September and conclude the season in mid-November with our championship games. Practices will take place on a weeknight for an hour and a half. We only have one gym so the older kids (4th-5th grade) have their practices from 7:30-9:00pm. Games will take place on Saturday mornings.

We begin registration for our volleyball league in October. The first Saturday in December is our tryout day. Usually from 9-10am. Scrimmages take place the following Saturday and then all games and practices take place on Saturdays third week in December and then starting back first Saturday in January. Practices will begin around 8:30 followed by a game. The children should be finished no later than 10:00am. The season usually completes around first or second Saturday in February.

We also offer Tae Quan Do on Monday and Thursday evenings at 7:00pm throughout the year for all ages but specifically for children and their parents. You are welcome to come and watch any Mon or Thurs and you can sign up that night with the instructor.

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