June 6, 2021
Bear Creek Church's Lead Pastor David Welch begins a new series "A Serving Life" where he asks:
Do you genuinely think that God loves you?
How you answer that question starts everything in a serving life. If you truthfully believe that you are loved by God, that deeply affects how you live your life. Conversely, if you don't genuinely believe you are loved by God, that radically affects your life but in a completely opposite direction.
Then - why do you think He loves you?
Big Idea:
Jesus calls you to a serving life by washing your feet.
What a Serving Life is Made From:
A serving live is made out of love.
A serving life carries in it a transforming power.
A serving life sees Jesus washing my own feet.
Verses to study:
John 13:1-16 (NASB)
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