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Puzzle Pieces: Pillars of Cloud and Fire.Exodus 13:3-4, 21-22.

November 10, 2024

Story Focus: I can trust God will show me the way. God loves the Israelites so much that God promises to lead them to a new home. This home will have all the food they will need. God calls it a land ‘flowing with milk and honey.’ But how do they find their new home? God shows up in a big way. God leads the people with a pillar of cloud in the day and a pillar of fire at night. God shows His people the way to go and never leaves them. God stays right in front of them, morning and night because God’s got it.

Key Question: Who's got it?

Bottom Line: God's got it.

Memory Verse: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart." Proverbs 3:5, NIV

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