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Let's Fly: Daniel and the Lions Daniel 6:1-23.


October 6, 2024

Story Focus:  God is always with me. Daniel loved God and prayed to God three times a day. But some other people who worked for the king tricked the king into creating a new law that said no one could pray to God. Daniel did what he had always done. He prayed to God. When the people saw Daniel praying to God, they ran and told the king, and the king threw Daniel into the lions’ den. But God was with Daniel in the lions’ den! God sent an angel to close the lion’s mouths. God was always with Daniel, and God is always with you, too!

Key Question: Who is always with you?

Bottom Line: God is always with me.

Memory Verse: “God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9, NLT

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