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Light Bright: Jesus Gives a New Command John 13:34-35; Luke 18:15-16, 19:110; John 4:1-30.


September 15, 2024

Story Focus: Jesus said to love one another. Jesus told His followers to love one another the way He had loved them. And how did Jesus show them how to love like Him? Well, Jesus loved the little children. Jesus loved the Samaritan woman at the well, and Jesus loved Zacchaeus, a tax collector. Jesus loved everyone no matter what! That’s how Jesus loves, and that’s how Jesus commands us to love. And if Jesus says to love like Him, then I can love like Jesus!

Key Question: Who can love like Jesus?

Bottom Line: I can love like Jesus.

Memory Verse: “You are the light of the world." Mathew 5:14, NIrV

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