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First Devotional, Day 17: Honor God with Your Resources

February 27, 2024

DAY 17

Key Verse:

“Honor the Lord from your wealth, and from the first of all your produce.”

Proverbs 3:9 NASB

Did you know that giving is a form of honoring the Lord? The Hebrew word that we translate into honor has the connotation of sacrifice. It is a form of worship. Many times, we think that worship is only singing the songs on a Sunday morning or in our car on the way to work. This proverb shows us that it is so much more than that. It is imploring us as believers to worship the Lord through giving; to honor Him with our wealth. This can be so difficult for us sometimes.

As broken, sinful human beings, our natural inclination is to be selfish. Oftentimes, for various reasons, when we create our monthly budgets, or we evaluate our monthly spending, giving to God is the last thing on the list. It is something that we approach with an “only if I’m able to” mindset. Giving to God, and His Church, are not a priority in our lives. Solomon, here in Proverbs chapter 3, does not just command us to give to the Lord, but he tells us to do it FIRST.

What would that look like for you? What would it look like for you to give to the Lord first, then pay your needs next and your ‘wants’ last? For a lot of people that is scary. There is a lot of uncertainty and anxiety, but verse 10 encourages us that God blesses those that honor Him with their wealth.


Think about how you can begin honoring God with your wealth today. Can you cut something extra from your budget to invest in His Kingdom? Begin today to worship Him through your giving and keep Him first in your life. Do not just give Him the leftovers; offer Him the best.

Heart Prompts

  1. Does knowing that giving is a form of worshiping the Lord change your perspective towards generosity?

  2. What are some things that hold you back from giving to God?

  3. Why do you think it is important to give to God FIRST as opposed to last?


Dear Lord, help me to trust you with my finances. My desire is to honor You from my wealth. May my giving be an investment into the Kingdom of God. Bless it, multiply it, and use it to change someone else’s life and lead them closer to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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