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Training Camp: The Widow’s Offering. Mark 12: 41-44


May 26, 2024

K-3rd Grade

4th-5th Grade

Story Focus: We finish the month in Mark 12:41-44. Jesus noticed how wealthy people were giving lots of money at the temple. Then a poor widow walked up to the offering box and gave just two small coins. While this seemed like a small gift, Jesus told His disciples that this woman gave more than the rich people did—because she gave everything she had

Bottom Line:  Practice living for God. We know that many kids love to sing and worship God. But worship isn’t just something we do when we sing at church. Worship is really how we honor God with our whole lives—how we love others and serve them, how we give our time and talents, how we follow and praise God, and even how we rest. We want kids to practice living for God and understand what it means to worship God in every part of their life

Key Question:   How can you live for God? Kids might think that they only practice their faith when they come to church, go to Small Groups, or sing worship songs during Large Groups. But when you practice living for God, you discover that whatever you do—work, play, read, sing, listen, whatever—can be a way you worship God with your life.

Memory Verse: “ Training the body has some value. But being Godly has value in every way. It promises help for the life you are now living and the life to come." 1 Timothy 4:8 NIRV.

Commitment: Making a plan and putting it into practice.

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