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Training Camp: The Lord’s Prayer. Matthew 6:9-13

May 12, 2024

K-3rd Grade

4th-5th Grade

Story Focus: In Matthew 6:9-13 we find Jesus talking about prayer during His Sermon on the Mount. Jesus shared a model for prayer that helps us understand more about how we can talk to God. We can pray with gratitude and honesty, pray for our needs, and ask for forgiveness. It’s comforting to know that we can pray while remembering that God knows us and wants to hear from us

Bottom Line: Practice praying to God. Even if kids have grown up in a home where practicing faith is a priority, they might still think prayer is something they do before they eat dinner or get tucked into bed for the night. Of course, prayer is so much more than that. And, as kids learn about Jesus’ model prayer, we want them to understand that they can pray anytime, anywhere, and about anything—because God is always listening and wants to hear from us. We hope kids will understand more about prayer and find that talking to God can be an important part of growing in their faith

Key Question:: How do you pray to God? Kids in your ministry will have varied experiences with prayer. Many might just be starting to discover that they can pray more than before meals and at bedtime. Others might never have prayed out loud on their own. Whatever their experience with prayer, we hope all kids can learn that they can talk to God through prayer whenever they feel like praying, with whatever words come to mind. God is always there to listen and cares about what we have to say.

Memory Verse: “ Training the body has some value. But being Godly has value in every way. It promises help for the life you are now living and the life to come." 1 Timothy 4:8 NIRV.

Commitment: Making a plan and putting it into practice.



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