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Start The Party: The Story of the Lost Sheep. Luke 15:1-7


June 2, 2024

K-3rd Grade

4th-5th Grade

Story Focus: We start the month with Luke 15:1-7, where we find Jesus telling a parable about a shepherd who goes to find his lost sheep. Jesus explains that the shepherd cares so much about the missing sheep that he leaves the other 99 sheep to go look for it. After the shepherd finds his sheep, he invites his friends to help him celebrate!

Bottom Line: We can have joy because of Jesus. In Jesus’ story, the shepherd is full of joy when he finds his lost sheep. He rejoices with his friends. When we recognize that we are like the lost sheep, we can have joy because we know that God sent Jesus to rescue us! And this joy isn’t just something we keep to ourselves. We can share the good news about Jesus and celebrate when others put their faith in Him too

Key Question: What does joy mean to you? Preteens have greater access to technology than ever before. Because of this, they’re often bombarded with negative messages, and joy can seem hard to find. That’s why we’re starting the month by helping our preteens think about what joy is . . . and where true, lasting joy comes from.

Memory Verse: “ A cheerful heart makes you healthy but a broken spirit dries you up." Proverbs 17:22 NIRV.

Joy: Choosing to celebrate what God is doing.

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