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Special Delivery: God Loves a Cheerful Giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7. November 17, 2024

November 17, 2024

1st-3rd Grade

4th-5th Grade

Story Focus: In week 3, we take a look at Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 9:7. Paul was writing to the church in Corinth, encouraging them to give. When we give, it pleases God—not just because of what we give, but because of the way we give it. When we give with a good attitude, we can help others see what God is like.

Bottom Line:  Give with a good attitude. Have you ever shared something really nice with someone, but you didn’t do it with the best intentions? Maybe, if you were honest, you really didn’t want to share what you had in the first place. Our attitude makes a big difference when we give. It doesn’t matter what kind of gift you give if your heart isn’t in the right place. As Paul explained, God loves it when we give cheerfully!

Key Question: How do you feel when you give? Have you ever noticed how excited some people get when they watch others open gifts? The gift isn’t even for them, and yet they can’t wait to see someone they care about receive something they’ll enjoy! Our hope for this question is that preteens will stop and think not only about why being generous is important, but also how important our attitude can be when we give.

Memory Verse: “Every good and perfect gift is from God.” James 1:17A, NIrV

Generosity: Making someone's day by giving something away.

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