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Connected: Abram and Lot. Genesis 13:5-18


March 10, 2024

K-3rd Grade

4th-5th Grade

Story Focus: For week two, we head to Genesis 13:5-18. We read how Abram and Lot’s herdsmen were arguing because there wasn’t enough land for both men’s herds. Abram chose to make peace with Lot by letting Lot choose the land he wanted. Abram could have taken the best land for himself, but instead, he trusted God and allowed Lot to decide.

Bottom Line: You can show you care by letting go of what’s fair. Sometimes creating peace with someone means giving up what might seem most fair to you. It takes a strong person to have the self-control to make a compromise and walk away. We pray that kids will learn how they can choose peace when it would be easier to argue and fight.

Key Question: Why is it hard to give up what you think is fair? If you walk into a fifth-grade classroom, you’ll quickly discover that kids argue with each other about the smallest things. It can be hard for a kid to walk away from conflict because they feel like their entire reputation might be at stake. We pray that our preteens will learn how to make the wise choice and work to make peace.

Memory Verse: “If possible, live in peace with everyone. Do that as much as you can." Romans 12:18, NIR

Peace: Proving you care more about each other than winning an argument.

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