December 17, 2024

So Christ also, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time for salvation without reference to sin, to those who eagerly await Him.
This is real love: someone willingly sacrificing their life for another. This was exemplified when God sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for our sins. Jesus is the once-for-all sacrifice, who freely and willingly gave His life for us. Now He resides in heaven representing us as our High Priest and King. In the Old Covenant the blood sacrifices, as perfect as they were, had to be repeated over and over again, but Jesus who ushered in the New Covenant, though tempted as we are, was completely sinless and unblemished. Though He was fully God, He was also fully man, who was completely perfect and sinless, which made it possible for Him to die a substitutionary death in our place. Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sin, but Jesus’ sinless and unblemished life’s blood freed us from the judgment we deserve, because of our sin.
What Jesus did on the cross was God’s plan from the beginning, yet Jesus had to make the choice of whether or not to do the will of His Father. Though it cost Him His life, He chose to die, so that we might have the opportunity of receiving life everlasting. The choice He made proved that His extreme love for humanity was the same as that of His Father. Though His death on the cross made eternal life possible, it is conditional upon faith in Him. It is a personal decision that we each must make. Have you made that decision? If not, please do it now. Simply acknowledge that you are a sinner and ask Him to save you and He will. If you have made that decision, thank God for the assurance you have of your own salvation and continue to live your life in a manner that is worthy of being called a child of the King. He is coming back and His return is imminent. Please make sure that you are ready to meet Him when He comes!
Jesus, you are the King of Kings. You are also the great sacrifice given to cover the sins of the world. Lead me in your truth and teach me so that I may look to you every day for everything.