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Advent Devotional: Peace from Sacrifice

December 13, 2024

All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the LORD, and all the families of the nations shall worship before you. For kingship belongs to the LORD, and He rules over the nations.

This psalm is written by King David to describe the future sacrifice of Christ to pay the penalty of sin for the world. Jesus confirms this when in Matthew 27:46 it is recorded that Jesus spoke the first sentence of this psalm before the crowd. Jesus was intentionally pointing the people to this psalm to tell them it was talking about this event, and Him specifically. This passage offers incredible details of what occurred at the cross, prophesied by the Holy Spirit, through David about the sacrifice of the Messiah. As this psalm concludes, it points to the glory of the sacrifice of Christ. The peace offered for all of creation by the blood of Jesus. The peace offered is the opportunity to be reconciled in relationship to God. Being changed from an enemy of God to an adopted son. In Christ, “the afflicted shall eat and be satisfied” and in Christ, “All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord.” All the nations will worship Jesus Christ as Lord, the one who made relationship with God possible. “For kingship belongs to the Lord, and He rules over the nations.” Not only does Christ make the way of salvation possible, He rules as King eternally. He came once to suffer for the sake of atonement for sin, He is coming again to complete that salvation and bring final and lasting peace under His rule. Let us, who have our faith in Christ, “tell of the Lord to the coming generation,” and look forward longingly to the return of the Lord!

Father, give me a love for your whole word and help me to understand how the Old Testament has spoken of the work of Christ and can instruct my heart in who you are. Use your Word to give me peace that comes from knowing my place in Christ and the victory that He has ushered in over sin and death.

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