December 16, 2024

“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”
Although the book of Revelation is commonly thought of as an intimidating book because of its apocalyptic nature, it is a book that shows God’s great love for us. Throughout the book, we can see images of Christ sitting on the throne, which is how He currently is today (Revelation 4). Because of God’s great love for us, we as believers get to inherit everything Christ inherited through His sacrifice on the cross when we get to heaven. Knowing that the Lord is Alpha and Omega shows us that He was present at the beginning of creation, has been and will be with us throughout our lives, and will continue to be with us when we enter into eternity. All of God’s characteristics are unlimited, including His power, might, and love for us. The book of Revelation points us to the culmination of God’s love for His people with the Second Coming of Christ. Christ is seated on the throne and will remain there for eternity. He was, is, and is to come; He never leaves us because of His great love for us.
Father, thank You for loving us with an everlasting love that does not have a limit or an end. We praise you for loving us despite our faults, and for giving us a way to be constantly connected with you through the sacrifice of Your Son. Remind us of your love daily, and allow us to show love to others as evidence of your work and love in our lives. Amen.