December 19, 2024

He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. And the Lord God will give to Him the throne of His father David, and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end.
This passage in Luke gives us an “insider’s view” of the most important pregnancy announcement the world has ever and will ever see. Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, was going to be born to a virgin named Mary. We celebrate His birth each year at Christmas, but have you stopped to think about the significance of this announcement? Think about what this meant for Mary and Joseph. How might they have felt during these days? God would put on flesh and condescend to His people. Love personified was going to be born. He would walk among us, His creation, and experience life as a human being. He would face the same temptations and challenges we do, but unlike us would never succumb to temptation and walk in sin. Eventually, He would sacrificially give His life on the cross to make it possible for all of creation to be made right with God through His blood. The King of all made Himself nothing and took the form of a servant to bring us life by conquering sin and death. One day that same King will return in power, glory, and might to reign forever. Oh, what a glorious day it will be when love returns to make all things new!
Lord, thank You for living and dying for me. Help me to focus this Christmas on the significance of your birth and how your death ultimately brings me life. Thank you for loving me and desiring a personal relationship with me. You are the best gift ever. Amen.