God is calling our church into a movement that puts Christ first in everything. In our hearts, in our priorities, in how we live every day. To make Jesus first in the agenda of our whole lives. We must vision to put Christ first, His agenda first, in everything He is calling us to do as a church. That call is to exponentially grow our impact For the Gospel…
1) THROUGH our Ministry,
2) IN our Community,
3) and FOR the World.
We’re calling this movement
First Things First.
Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation, for through Him God created everything. Everything was created through Him and for Him. He existed before anything else, and He holds all creation together. He is the beginning, So He is first in everything.
Colossians 1:15-18 NLT
Our primary goal: 100% Engagement
First Things First is first and foremost a discipleship initiative. We’re all at different points moving toward restoration.
We want to learn new things about God and about ourselves. We want every single person at Bear Creek to make First Things First and to be willing to take a next step of growth in this area of generosity.
Whether you’ve never given anything before, whether you’re an infrequent contributor, or whether you’re a consistent and thoughtful giver, there is a next step God is asking you to take in this journey.
Our secondary goal: $11.3M
Our secondary goal is monetary. This is a one fund initiative, so the amount includes our total ministry fund for the next two years (First Things First Through Our Ministry), our expansion for our continued vision to reach out to more people (First Things First In our Community), and our desire to grow our missions’ impact by 100% (First Things First for the World).
If 100% of people at Bear Creek get fully engaged, we expect to see an increase in generosity like we’ve never seen before.
Our Year 2 Challenge in 2025
Our challenge is to increase our commitment of $10.3 to $11.3 million, fully funding the First Things First vision.
We are asking you to renew your commitment to First Things First and put Christ first in your life. If all of us do this, we can reach our two goals.
Increase engagement supporting First Things First and experience God even more in 2025.
Grow our commitment by $1 million from $10.3 to $11.3 million.
The reach of the gospel moves at the pace of our generosity.
With $1 million more in commitments and giving we can commit to expanding our Court Venue, doubling our seating capacity in this worship space. We will also fund our current ministries and continue our support of missions reaching people with the gospel. Together we can seize the opportunity before us and reach even more people for Christ.
Our 3 Priorities of "First Things First"
Through Our Ministry: $9,300,000
Over the next two years, we are allocating $9,300,000 Through our Ministry to fund and radically expand our reach through existing ministries to kids, students, and adults. Plus, we will accelerate our freedom from all facility and campus indebtedness, striving for debt freedom in 2026.
Prayerfully consider either renewing or making a commitment to First Things First.
Ready to renew your First Things First commitment or make a commitment for the first time? Join us in any of the services on Sunday, March 2 or complete the online commitment card.
Expansion of "The Court"
Through your giving to First Things First, we can double our seating capacity for The Court Venue, where 2 of our 4 Worship Services meet every Sunday, and improve the worship experience with this expansion.