Bear Creek Church
May 28, 2020
Virtual Grow Group, Episode No. 11: Philippians 4:4-9
May 28, 2020
Conversation of the Week:
In his book Life Together, written while in teaching in a secret, illegal seminary in ...
Bear Creek Church
May 14, 2020
Virtual Grow Group, Episode No. 9: Philippians 3:1-11
May 14, 2020
Conversation of the Week:
As all of us suffer in various ways and to various degrees in these days, how does your suffering...
Bear Creek Church
May 11, 2020
Virtual Grow Group, Episode No. 10: Philippians 3:12-4:3
May 21, 2020
If you haven't yet heard Bear Creek's plans for a careful, wise, phased regathering beginning on Sunday, June, 7, ...
Bear Creek Church
May 7, 2020
Virtual Grow Group, Episode No. 8: Philippians 2:12-30
May 7, 2020
Conversation of the Week:
How do you need to be more intentional this week in working out your salvation? How do you need ...
Bear Creek Church
Apr 30, 2020
Virtual Grow Group, Episode No. 7: Philippians 1:27-2:11
April 30, 2020
Conversation of the Week:
In what ways does this season of quarantine give special opportunity to living out the values ...
Bear Creek Church
Apr 23, 2020
Virtual Grow Group, Episode No. 6: Philippians 1:1-26
April 23, 2020
Conversation of the Week:
In what way is the gospel advancing during your stay-at-home, social distancing “imprisonment”?...
Bear Creek Church
Apr 16, 2020
Virtual Grow Group, Episode No. 5: The Book of Philippians
April 16, 2020
Conversation of the Week:
What word, phrase, or verse stood out to you as you heard the book of Philippians read? How does..
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Bear Creek Church
Apr 10, 2020
Virtual Grow Group, Episode No. 4: Acts 21-28
April 10, 2020
Conversation of the Week:
Why do you think Jesus stood by Paul (Acts 23:11)? In what way do you need the Lord to stand by...
Bear Creek Church
Apr 2, 2020
Virtual Grow Group, Episode No. 3
April 2, 2020
Conversation of the Week:
How can your work and your everyday relationships give you opportunities for gospel witness and ...
1 view
Bear Creek Church
Mar 27, 2020
Virtual Grow Group, Episode No. 2
March 27, 2020
Conversation of the Week:
In this current season of disruption and anxiety, what altars of until now unrealized, unknown ...
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